Lucy pix...and Axel update

Lucy and her friend Tristan spend a fun filled, hot afternoon playing in the pool. After getting over her fear that it was bath-time, Lucy had as much fun as Tristan did.

Sissy, the cat, is the most frequent victim of Lucy's sneak attacks from on top of the bench.
An update on Axel: Axel was the recipient of a sympathy card from his friend, Rocky, the weinerdog, after his recent neutering surgery. I'd guess Axel is one of the biggest pups so far, he weighed in at 51.6 a mere 5 months of age. By the way, have you all read the book Marley and Me yet???
Axel and Lucy would sure provide hours of entertainment if they were playmates. What a hoot! Whoever composes the neutering recovery guidelines does not have a lab. He covered running, jumping, climbing, and licking his first day home. Despite his best efforts, he remains intact. Well, never mind...
I hope that isn't totally intact! If that's the case, stop payment on the check to the vet.
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