Monday, February 27, 2006

we play hard, we sleep hard

Just like a small child, the pups wake up happy and ready for the day. They play, eat, drink, chew on shoe laces, take care of "business" and generally cause a ruckus. One by one they slowly drift off even while others are crawling all over them. Eventually they all quiet down...except for the snorers (Olga and Moose).

Before receiving their second dose of worming meds they were weighed:
Wilbur and Walker 9.1#
Moose 8.6#
Axel and Olga 8.5#
Fanny 7.7#

Lucy 7.4#
I knew Walker was getting chunky, I never dreamed she was as heavy as Wilbur!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

Thanks for directing me to your blogspot!
Could your grand-babies be any cuter!?!

How did you manage to get all of the colors of the lab rainbow in one litter?

Cuzin Carol

9:51 AM  

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