Three weeks and Pedicures

Lizzy will be thankful that all the pups got pedicures today. These little buggers have some sharp toenails. Lucy and Walker struggled the most. After a very brief show of attitude, Olga settled right in. Axel, Moose, and Fanny showed no signs of distress. Wilbur gets the prize for cooperation, he fell asleep!
Lucy is the rowdy of the bunch. She will pounce on her unsuspecting littermates. But rather than stay and play, she quickly moves on to sneak attack someone else.
Lizzy is spending more and more time away from the litter. Today she wanted to be outdoors enjoying the sunshine. She frequently checks on them but knows she doesn't need to hover. At three weeks of age, she's on the downhill slide of motherhood...only two more weeks and the pups will be weaned.
and you will cry like a baby when they are. guess what. i am going to the boys tournament saturday. but i wanted to come play with puppies. BUT this is your long work weekend. so maybe next weekend i will kidnap carl and make him take me up there. i am self elected co pilot. i have honor choir in the morning. TO EARLY!!!!!!! oh well. all clear in the medical aspects. oh well. maybe i'm just sick of being in charge and am mentally drained. yesterday i told ang i had a problem ( i was tired but i didn't tell her that ) and she's like liz, that's a problem i'm not licensed to help you with! nice friends eh? yeah. bye
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